For my research paper, I chose to write on the history of the Hudson’s Bay Company. Since I was a little girl, the topic of the fur trade always intrigued me and filled my mind with wonder. The company was heavily impacted by the fur trade and changed drastically after 1821.
Document Analysis
As a part of this final research paper, I chose to examine a primary document that was written between 1822-1835. The document I chose was titled as the “Diary of Nicholas Garry, Deputy-Governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company from 1822-1835: a Detailed Narrative of His Travels in the Northwest Territories of British North America in 1821.” This document was a personal narrative that accounted for his time sailing over from England to the Hudson’s Bay and the impact he had on the company during the fur trade. Based off what was in this text, I was able to glean insight into what his life was like, how the Hudson’s Bay company functioned, and the many struggles the leaders faced after 1821.
Research Paper
My final research paper discusses the Hudson’s Bay Company after they merged with the Northwest Company in 1821.
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