Reading Log Week 8 (Gold Rush)
This reading log was based off the book Into That Country to Work”: Aboriginal Economic Activities during Barkerville’s Gold Rush” by Mica Jorgenson, and it discussed how the gold rush affected the Indigenous people who resided in Barkerville in 1860. I found this reading log particularly interesting as the events occurred within British Columbia, and I have visited many of the locations within Barkerville that the author discussed. Along with this, it was very interesting to learn the roles that the Indigenous population held within the gold rush and the economy of Barkerville.
Reading Log Week 3 (Women in Fur Trade)
Written in response to “‘Nagging Wife’ Revisited: Women and the Fur Trade in New France” by Jan Noel, this reading log focused on the important role of women within the fur trade. Contrary to popular belief, women held very diverse and brave roles within the time of the fur trade. They held vital roles within the trading itself, assisted with the missions of the Jesuits, and used their natural skills to benefit the well-being of everyone during this historical time.
Reading Log Week 7 (Acts of Resistance)
This reading log was a collection of thoughts and observations based on the book “Acts of Resistance: Black Men and Women Engage Slavery in Upper Canada, 1793-1803” by Afua Cooper. Throughout the reading log, the concept that black slaves suffered and fought to stay alive under a society of privileged white people is discussed for further understanding. The slaves fearlessly rose above their masters and became powerful advocates for their own emancipation and freedom.